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龙腾世纪:审判 全人物背景故事介绍图文一览 中英对照

2014-12-26 16:40:53 来源:龙腾世纪吧 作者:冬眠的杯具 我要投稿




  她有很多名字。大多数人把她看做"夜莺修女〃或者"教皇的左手〃。而对于她极少数的朋友来说,她是蕾莉安娜。他们说她在黑暗中找到了信仰,她对上帝的奉献只能和她对教皇Justinia V,她的导师和拯救者,的奉献相提并论。那些赢得了她忠诚的人明白她是一个值得信赖的盟友。而教皇的敌人明白需要畏惧她,因为她隐藏在旭日王座(sunburst throne)的阴影里一一那个等待并守望,在她的目标最虚弱或者最放松的时候发动攻击的人。

  She has many names. Most know her as “Sister Nightingale” or “the Left Hand of the Divine.” To the rare friend, she is Leliana. They say she found faith amid darkness, and that her devotion to the Maker is matched only by her devotion to Divine Justinia V, a woman who is both mentor and savior. Those who have earned her loyalty know her as a steadfast ally. But enemies of the Divine know to fear her, for she is the shadow behind the Sunburst Throne一the one who watches and waits, who strikes when her mark is most vulnerable and least suspecting.”





  Sheryl Chee:在第五次瘟潮过后,蕾莉安娜被她的朋友和导师,神圣 Justinia V,征招到了Val Royeaux。

  DA :她们之间肯定有一段故事。

  SC :是的-----Justinaia之前被称作崇高圣母Dorothea,她在蕾莉安娜被


  DA :从我们认识她以后,她的性格发生了什么变化?

  SC :那些玩过龙腾世纪起源的人大概会记得,蕾莉安娜是一个快乐,乐观的年轻妹子。她尽自己最大的努力去做她认为是正确的事情。那已经是十年前的事情了,这之间发生了很多事情。她不再那么无优无虑。即使她想展示自己性格的另一面,她也不能这样做。

  DA :为什么会这样?

  SC :她是有着重大责任的审判庭高级成员,为了审判庭,她必须以某种 特定的方式展示自己。然而,如果你证明了自己是值得信任的,同时你也明白她为什么而来(you understand where she 's come f"om是不是这个意思?),她也许会放松她的警惕(L妹还是那个L妹!)

  DA :你觉得重新创作蕾莉安娜感觉如何?

  SC :回到蕾莉安娜给了我从龙腾世纪世界里,蕾莉安娜各种各样的形象中,找出和她相关的一切,并把这些东西统一起来。

  DA :以什么样的方式?

  SC :蕾莉安娜之歌展示了她的过往,在她和将成为教皇的女人之间建立了联系。在龙腾世纪起源中,蕾莉安娜试着面对自己的过去,并寻找真正的自己。在龙腾世纪2,小说Asunder?和Masked Empire里,我们看到蕾莉安娜作为教皇"左手〃的形象。这对她来说是一段很长的路,而在审判庭里,我们将要看到她的旅途是怎样改变她的人格的,而这又会在将来把她带往何方。

  DA :有没有觉得很有挑战?

  SC :蕾莉安娜总是显得有的麻烦,因为起源里玩家的选择会影响她。我必须要确保不论玩家在起源里做出过什么事情,蕾莉安娜在审判庭中的角色都说得过去。这事关尊重她的天性,所以不论发生过什么,或者现在发生了什么,她永远都是那个蕾莉安娜(这就是引入旧角色的蛋疼之处)。

  DA :你说如今蕾莉安娜是"教皇的左手〃。这到底什么意思?

  SC :就像我们所知道的那样,卡珊德拉是教皇的右手:冲锋陷阵卷入游涡中心的战士,她勇敢直率充满动力。蕾莉安娜是左手一一灾祸之手(thesinister hand 一语双关,也有左边的意思),就像字面意思一


  DA :这些技能对审判庭应该很有用吧?

  SC :审判庭是一个新的力量,对于赛达斯已经存在的组织是一种威胁。


  DA :那么她和审判庭的其他人关系怎么样?

  SC :审判庭是蕾莉安娜最先考虑的事情。她明白内斗会导致它迅速混乱的结束,所以她会把自己的个人感受放在一边,去做对组织最有好处的事情。

  DA :你能举个例子么?

  SC :她很尊敬卡珊德拉,即使她并不总是认同她。但是最终,她们的目标是一致的,她们会为她们所认为的更伟大的事业通力合作。这有点像爸爸和妈妈在紧闭的门后争吵,但是却对孩子显示出一致的态度。对库伦也是如此。

  DA :最后,每个人心上的问题:Schmooples(蕾莉安娜的兔猪)怎么样了?

  SC :呃,Schmooples啊。也许我们应该让人们在游戏中自己去发现。

  [DRAGON AGE]: Its been a few years since we last saw Leliana. What has she been doing?

  [SHERYL CHEE]: After the Fifth Blight, Leliana was summoned to Val Royeaux by her friend and mentor, Divine Justinia V.

  [DA]: There'sdefinitely some history between them.

  [SC]: Yes—Justinia was formerly known as Revered Mother Dorothea, the woman who saved Leliana when Leliana was betrayed and almost killed by her old mistress, Marjolaine. Because of their history, Leliana feels a close bond with Justinia; naturally, when Justinia needed her help, Leliana went to her side. She has been serving as the Divine,sLeft Hand for some time now.

  [DA]: How has her personality changed since her introduction to the series?

  [SC]: Those who played Dragon Age: Origins might remember Leliana as a cheerful, optimistic young woman who tried her best to do what she thought was right. Its now ten years later, and lots of things have happened. Shefsnot as carefree. Even if she wanted to show that side of her personality, she can't.

  [DA]: Why'sthat?

  [SC]: She'sa high-ranking member of the Inquisition with a great deal of responsibility, and she has to present herself a certain way for the Inquisition's sake. However, if you prove that you're trustworthy, and that you understand where she's come from, she might let her guard down a little.

  [DA]: How did you find revisiting Leliana?

  [SC]: Coming back to Leliana gave me the chance to pull everything from Leliana'svarious appearances throughout the Dragon Age world and fit them together.

  [DA]: In what way?

  [SC]: Leliana'sSong shared her backstory, establishing her relationship with the woman who would become the Divine. In Dragon Age: Origins, Leliana is coming to terms with her past and trying to figure out who she is. In Dragon Age II, and the Asunder and Masked Empire novels, we see Leliana in her role as Left Hand of the Divine. Its been a long road for her, and in Inquisition, we*!!get to see how her journey has shaped her as a person, and where the path might take her in the future.

  [DA]: Were there any challenges?

  [SC]: Leliana is always a little tricky because of how the player's choices in Origins can affect her. I had to make sure that no matter what the player did in Origins, Leliana'srole and character in Inquisition made sense. It's a matter of respecting her core nature, so that regardless of what happened (or happens) to her, she's always clearly "Leliana."

  [DA]: You said that Leliana is now “Left Hand of the Divine.”

  What exactly does that mean?

  [SC]: As we know, Cassandra is Right Hand of the Divine: the warrior who puts herself front and center, she'sbold and direct and driven. Leliana is the Left Hand一the “sinister” hand, as it were. She hangs back in the shadows. She watches the Divine's back, watches for enemies, waits for them to reveal their weaknesses, and comes at them from the shadows.

  [DA]: Those skills must be useful for the Inquisition?

  [SC]: The Inquisition is a new power, a threat to some of the existing structures within Thedas. Naturally, some people will oppose it, and Leliana will deal with these opposing forces should direct action or diplomacy fail.

  [DA]: So she gets along well with the rest of the Inquisition?

  [SC]: The Inquisition is Leliana'spriority. She knows that

  infighting will doom it to a quick and messy end, so she,soften willing to put aside her own personal feelings to do whatsbest for the organization.

  [DA]: Can you give us an example?

  [SC]: She has a healthy respect for Cassandra, even if she doesn't always agree with her. Ultimately, their goals align, and they' ll work together for what they believe is the greater good. Its a little like Mom and Dad quarrelling behind closed doors, but presenting a united front to the kids. Same goes for Cullen.

  [DA]: And finally, the question on everyone'smind: How is Schmooples?

  [SC]: Ah, Schmooples. Maybe we should let people find out on their own when they play the game.



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