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龙腾世纪:审判 全人物背景故事介绍图文一览 中英对照

2014-12-26 16:40:53 来源:龙腾世纪吧 作者:冬眠的杯具 我要投稿





  The Inquisition's power is not absolute: it must earn its place among the forces in conflict. Sister Leliana understands this well, and has called on an old friend, Lady Josephine Montilyet, to be the Inquisition's ambassador in the halls of the influential. The eldest daughter of a noble Antivan family, Josephine is a rising star among diplomats, skilled at forging alliances with tact, grace, and carefully cultivated favors. She is a consummate planner who understands that resurrecting the Inquisition will require support and goodwill from Thedas's movers and shakers. Fortunately, the ambassador enjoys a challenge, and she sincerely believes that the Inquisition is the best way to halt the chaos sweeping Thedas.



  Sylvia Feketekuty :约瑟芬是一个喜欢和人交往的人。她乐观积极,她喜欢寻找解决问题的方法,同时可以不眠不息地做好自己的工作。她很想念在安缇梵自己卧室里所能欣赏到的海景(尽管她只和自己的朋友提起这件事)

  DA :你创作她这个角色的过程是什么样的?

  SF :当我从ME3的队伍转到DA啲团队中时,对约瑟芬这个角色的构想仅仅只是白板上的一个词语(外交官)。当我们的首席作家,DG大爷,把这个角色交给我,并让我来继续,这个词语(外交官)就已经足够让我开始了。我试着思考什么样的外交官才能在审判庭里很好地完成自己的工作。为什么她是这个角色的最佳人选,她到底为什么来到了审判庭,她会怎样和其他角色交流讨论,诸如此类。

  DA :最终结果怎么样?

  SF :早先我从我们的写作团队里面获得了不少有用的反馈,这些反馈帮了我不少忙。最终我爱上了约瑟芬一特别是我第一次听到她的配音演员开始配音的时候。就好像她终于成了一个真正的人。

  DA :作为一个贵族妹子,看上去她给了审判庭一种新的技能。她最擅长的领域是什么?

  SF :外交。约瑟芬作为一名大使在赛达斯的各类宫廷中已经工作了很多年了。她对于奥莱依的政治非常熟悉,这会很有帮助。她是个杰出的斡旋者代言人。特别重要的是,她明白改变人的想法有多么困难,也明白一个人的自我会被"想变得,正确‘〃而深深束缚。约瑟芬更喜欢在有可能的情况下,温和地引导人们达成一致,但是在必要的时候她也会表明立场。那天鹅绒手套下总藏着一双钢拳。

  DA :你会怎样描述约瑟芬的角色?

  SF :约瑟芬是审判庭的最高外交官。她为审判庭处理外交上的排挤,提升 玩家的声望,在赛达斯散播审判庭的影响。


  DA :你在创作约瑟芬的时候还有别的什么考量么?

  SF :从一开始我就知道她不会是一名战士。她被杰出的,经验丰富的勇士(fighters ,找不到很好地词)所环绕,而我希望我们的外交官可以变得不一样。约瑟芬用笔胜过用剑,比起探索荒野,让她与人协商显得更有价值。

  DA :你最喜欢创作约瑟芬的哪一点?

  SF :为她找一个声音,寻找她适应这个世界的方法。创作那些她和PC(我真的不知道这个PC指什么,我猜测是Post Commander?驻地指挥官,大概可以按照玩家理解)成为朋友的场景。这些东西会很难办,但是我喜欢这种把它们聚在一起,汇成一个角色的感觉。和约瑟芬的配音演员还有影视设计者(导演对话的人)一起工作感觉特别棒。


  DA :作为一个经验丰富的外交官,她肯定很难被人们反对。她和其他顾问的关系怎么样?

  SF :她和蕾莉安娜的关系很好。她们是老相识了,同时她们都很清楚对方对自己的工作非常擅长,也就是说,我想对她们来说,看到这样的事情会很欣慰:〃哦,我们的工作最终相互补充了,啾。"当然这并不意味她们总会认同对方,但她们是一个很好地团队。同时,尽管约瑟芬和库伦相互尊重对方,但约瑟芬总是喜欢选择一个政治上的解决方法,而库伦并不总是认为这是个务实的选择。约瑟芬对于这种态度和他们三观上的冲突而变得不耐烦。

  DA :—天快结束了,我们必须知道:在时尚的比拼中,薇薇安和约瑟芬那个获胜了?(问什么问?肯定是我们萌萌的顾问)

  SF :哇哦,我觉得我是这世界上最后一个有资格回答这个问题的人了。我只能这么说:薇薇安倾向于穿上最新的时装,不管它们有多么令人难以接受,并让它们变得好看(我想起了鸟屎的故事)。约瑟芬更喜欢做工精致的衣服,而当到了正式场合的时候,她显得比较传统。(当然,安缇梵有时候紧跟奥莱依的时尚潮流,但是约瑟芬不会认同这一点。家乡的才是最好的(hometown pride and all )。

  [DRAGON AGE]: Josephine is a new character to Dragon Age series. What can you tell us about her?

  [SYLVIA FEKETEKUTY]: Josephine is a people person. She's optimistic, she likes finding solutions, and needs barely any sleep to work at full capacity. She misses the view of the sea from her bedroom in Antiva City (though she only brings that up with friends).

  [DA]: What was your process when developing her character?

  [SF]: When I came up to DA: Inquisition from the Mass Effect 3 team, the idea for Josephine's character was basically one word on a whiteboard (“Diplomat???”). When our lead writer, David Gaider, handed me the character and told me to go, that word was enough to get me started. I tried to think of what kind of diplomat would work well with the Inquisition. Why she was the best fit for the role, how the heck she ended up there, how she would bounce off other characters, etc...

  [DA]: Was it challenging to start from scratch, or did you enjoy the experience?

  [SF]: I enjoyed it, but it was daunting. One of the characters I wrote in Mass Effect 3 was Liara. Fans had gotten to know Liara from ME1 onwards, so I was able to do some fun stuff by pulling from the history players had with her. Josephine, however, I made up from scratch. The freedom was great, but in the back of my mind I was anxiously asking myself “Does her characterization work? Will people enjoy talking with her? Do I know what rm doing?!” [DA]: What was the end result?

  [SF]: I received some great feedback from the rest of the writing team early on that helped me a great deal. I fell in love with Josephine by the end—especially once I heard her voice actor reading lines for the first time. It was like she'dfinally become a real person.

  [DA]: As a noblewoman, she seems to bring a different set of skills to the Inquisition. What is her primary area of expertise?

  [SF]: Diplomacy. Josephine has worked for years as an ambassador in the royal courts in Thedas. She' s very familiar with Orlesian politics, which comes in handy. She'san excellent mediator and speaker. Crucially, she knows just how hard it can be to change people'sminds, and how much someone'sego is tangled up in being “right”.Josephine prefers to gently steer people into agreement whenever possible, but she'lltake a stand when needed. There'soccasionally an iron fist beneath that velvet glove.

  [DA]: How would you describe Josephine's role?

  [SF]: Josephine is the head ambassador of the Inquisition. She handles diplomatic disputes on the Inquisitor's behalf, raising the player'sreputation and spreading the Inquisition's influence throughout Thedas.

  Or in less fancy terms: Josephine does a lot of work that'svery important, and also very boring. Keeping a huge organization like the Inquisition afloat takes negotiations and paperwork and endless politics, but Josephine lives for that kind of stuff. She prides herself on having the Inquisitor's back (for example, making deals with the right people, or heading off power plays by other nobles) so the Inquisitor is free to make the decisions that actually shape the world.

  [DA]: Any other considerations when creating Josephine's character?

  From the start, I knew she shouldn'tbe a warrior. She's surrounded by people who are excellent, highly-skilled fighters, and I wanted our diplomat to be different. Josephine'shandier with a pen than a sword, and much more useful negotiating than wandering the wilderness.

  [DA]: What did you enjoy most about writing Josephine?

  [SF]: Finding a voice for her, finding the ways she fit into the world. Writing the scenes where she becomes friends with the PC. Those can be tricky, but I love it when they come together. Working with Josephine'svoice actor and cinematic designer (the person who “directs” the conversations) was particularly great.It was also fun to write a romance again. And because I know people will ask: You can try to win Josephine'sheart as any race or gender. I think we ended up with some fun moments whether you'retrying to romance her or just be her friend, but there'sone particular scene that I love.

  [DA]: As a skilled diplomat, she must be difficult to win an argument against. Does she get along well with the other advisors?

  [SF]: She has a good relationship with Leliana. They,reold acquaintances, and they both know the other is very good at what they do. That said, I think it is a relief for them to see: “Oh, our work styles mesh after all. Phew!” Thatsnot to say they always agree with each other, but they'rea good team.Meanwhile, while Josephine and Cullen respect each other, Josephine would always rather work towards a diplomatic solution while Cullen doesn't always think it s the practical choice. Josephine can get impatient with that attitude and the clash in their philosophies.

  [DA]: At the end of the day, we'vegot to know: in a battle of fashion, who wins between Josephine and Vivienne?

  [SF]: Wow, I feel like the last person on earth qualified to judge that! I'lljust say: Vivienne will wear the latest haute couture, no matter how outrageous, and make it look good. Josephine appreciates finely-made clothing, but when it comes to formal wear, she'sa traditionalist. (Of course, Antiva follows lots of Orlesian fashion trends, but Josephine'snot going to admit that. Hometown pride and all.)



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